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Still learning react, laravel & co? You better plan ahead!
Getting feedback on your work, the anticipation of it, the surprise of another perspective, can be hugely refreshing and spark the next leg of your creativity.
It happens to every writer a some point: the blank page... Here's how to get past it.
Now you can follow your OneDrive documents and get automatic stats with WriterBoards.
Many things have changed since I last addressed implementing JWT & stateless authentication & authorization.
One of the most common tasks for a web-developer is interacting with an authenticated backend. While a plethora of possibilities are available, the way neoan3 handles things is not only convenient, but also fast and reliable.
Ever needed to automate a process and all of a sudden you built a tool?
Using the blua.blue webhook in order to track your writing.
PHP8 has finally been released and it is FAAAAST! Time to update.
2020 wasn't the best year humans can look back to. but what does 2021 bring for coders?